Letter from the Church Council


What holds us together?

On Pentecost Sunday in May, our preacher Cynthia Holder Rich spoke of that event described by Paul in Acts
2 when the gathered disciples of Jesus were filled with the Holy Spirit; and when the Jews of every (known)
nation and language were gathered together in Jerusalem and yet heard the wonders of God declared in their
own tongue or language. Cynthia used the phrase “a celebration of diversity” in her sermon.

We too at ACC come from many nations, speak in many languages, come from many faith traditions. ACC
can also be called a ‘celebration of diversity’. What holds us together?

In ACC’s Statement of Faith, we say that we believe in a Triune God, God the Father, God the Son, God the
Holy Spirit. We also state that we believe in the illuminating, regenerating, indwelling and sanctifying work of
God the Holy Spirit.

Accidently or otherwise, ACC seems to be celebrating right now that indwelling and regenerating work of the
Holy Spirit. On Pentecost Sunday, we acknowledged and thanked all who give of their gifts and time to our
community. On the last Sunday in May, we welcomed three little ones into our faith family through baptism.
We will rejoice with nine younger people as they affirm their baptismal vows for themselves in a Confirmation
service the first Sunday in June. In all these things, we are reminded of, and give thanks for, the transforming
power that God the Holy Spirit has in our own lives, and in the life of ACC.

May we each one of us breathe in the Breath of God, be filled with the Holy Spirit, and use that to be more
transparent of Christ so that others around us know the love of God.

– Susan Simonson (on behalf of the ACC Council)

Seasons of the Church Year

ACC uses a liturgical calendar following the seasons of the church year. This calendar is centered round two
periods of Sacred Time: Advent, Christmas and Epiphany; and Lent, Holy Week, and Easter, concluding at
Pentecost. The rest of the time after Pentecost is known of Ordinary or Ordinal (counted) time when Bible
readings and church practices focus on various aspects of our faith especially the mission of the church in
this world. The colour green is often used during this ‘Ordinary Time’ signifying new growth and life,
transformation. As we enter this ‘green season’, let us seek and embrace God’s transforming work in our

Our Services

We are continuing our in-person worship services at 10:30 am every Sunday. However, we have a limited number of chairs available in the sanctuary to follow appropriate social distance guidelines. We encourage anyone with risk factors to stay at home and participate in worship by Zoom.

To prepare yourself: Download Zoom on a computer or mobile device by going to zoom.us . Click on these links to watch a tutorial on how to download the Zoom App and how to join a meeting from a computer or a phone.

Joining on mobile phone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8JaUEORjSo
Joining on computer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMUxzrgZvZQ

Thank You to all our ACC Volunteers!

1 Corinthians 12: 4 – 7

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all people. Now to each one the
manifestation is given for the common good.

In this passage, Paul speaks of different gifts, different kinds of service and work, but that all these gifts, abilities, skills are given by the Holy Spirit for the common good. Paul also teaches us to give thanks always to God, through Christ, in whom he has given us every blessing, including the blessing of one another.

We recognize the work that is done by so many faithful and dedicated people, giving thanks to one another, and to Almighty God, for making the Spirit manifest among us in such a variety of ways.

A Prayer for Volunteers

Gracious God,

We are truly blessed by You, God, and enriched in our fellowship by the many people of this congregation who volunteer their time and their talent in small and large ways for the benefit of this church and for the advancement of the gospel of Christ in this place. Without the many willing hands and hearts; our worship together and our ministries and programs just could not happen.

We give you thanks for them all. We give thanks for the diversity of gifts that they bring, and for their constant faithfulness in doing these things in Your name and to serve You.

Be in their hands and their minds and their words, so that Your love might be brought to all around us.

Strengthen us all and inspire us with your Holy Spirit to live lives of mutual love and service in the world. May your Spirit make us wise; may your Spirit guide us and renew us, so that we all will be strong in faith, courageous in witness, and persistent in good deeds.

For all this, and, above all, for the gift of your Son and our salvation, we give our heartfelt thanks and praise.


Confirmation Sunday – 6th June 2021

A wonderful group of 9 students will be confirming their faith and officially joining the ACC community on Sunday, June 6th. We expect a large number of their relatives and guests to join us for the celebration. We advise those with health risks or concerns to join us by Zoom that Sunday, as the sanctuary will be more crowded than usual.

Picture (right):
“Leader” Vance listening to Nari, one of the 9 confirmation students reading the scriptures. The students have been brilliant in sharing the words of the liturgy since we re-opened on the 4
th of October.

Church Hike!

E&O are organizing a hike to Kilima Moto on the 20th June on the Farewell Sunday following the service. Hikers should wear good shoes for hiking, bring a water bottle, and bring a lunch bag/box with something light to eat for themselves and someone else! Those with transport are also encouraged to offer if their vehicles can take how many people, in advance so we will know if we need one or more daladalas. Karibuni – it is an easy hike and we will be back in town before 4pm.

News from the ACC Library

We are opening the church library on a limited basis. Welcome to see all our wonderful books and resources on the last Sunday of each month. Hopefully over time, we can open the library more often.

ACC Prayer Chain

If you have a prayer request and would like members of our community to support you in prayer, contact the four key persons – if possible by SMS- and they will inform the others from the prayer chain.

Erwin Kinsey 0754 480 184
Margaret Kenyi 0754 090 078
Susan Simonson 0754 266 559
Stella Karumuna 0754 281 337

Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous

AA meets at ACC:
Monday 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Tuesday 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Thursday 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Friday 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Saturday 10:00am – 11:00am

NA meets at ACC:
Tuesday 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

 June 2021 Service Schedule

June 6, 2021 June 13, 2021 June 20, 2021 June 27, 2021
Church Calendar Second Sunday
after Pentecost
Third Sunday
after Pentecost
Fourth Sunday
after Pentecost
Fifth Sunday
after Pentecost
Service Type  Confirmation Service  Morning Service Communion Service  Family Service
Service Leader Rebecca Mosley
Susan Simonson
Elizabeth Hudgin Eric Mbelle
Preacher Vance Bicknell Miller Moses Manyama Rebecca Mosley Derrick Matthews
Lead Musician Daniel Kalule Randy Stubbs Ruth Bach-Svendsen & Erwin Kinsey Neil Rowe Miller
Duty Elder Elizabeth Hudgin Erwin Kinsey Neil Rowe Miller Eliel Gideon
Zoom Host & Projector  TBD  TBD TBD TBD
Sound Avogadro Gerson Tumsifu Mushi Edmund Massawe & Beneath Joseph Severine Manday & Philip Mvungi
Flowers Irene Mchomvo & Nancy Sadiq Doreen Marandu Christy Miller  Jane Mashingia
Scripture Readings

1 Samuel 8:4-11, (12-15), 16-20, (11:14-15)

Psalm 130

2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1

Mark 3:20-35

 1 Samuel 17:(1a, 4-11, 19-23), 32-49

Psalm 107:1-3, 23-32

2 Corinthians 6:1-13

Mark 4:35-41

1 Samuel 15:34-16:13

Psalm 92:1-4, 12-15

2 Corinthians 5:6-10, (11-13), 14-17

Mark 4:26-34

2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27

Psalm 30

2 Corinthians 8:7-15

Mark 5:21-43



Thank you to the many who continue to give your tithes and offerings to ACC. Please know that these offerings are needed, appreciated and are used to help many within the community.

For anyone who wishes or needs to transfer funds via bank deposit to ACC please find the following details here:
TSH: ACCOUNT NUMBER 00 300 23 252
USD: ACCOUNT NUMBER 578 067 0116

For anyone who wishes or needs to transfer funds via mobile money to ACC please find the following details here:
M-PESA DEPOSIT NUMBER: +255755992394
NAME: NASIEKU MOLLEL (Church Administrator)