Letter from the church council
Arusha Community Church is OPEN after 7 months ❣ Preachers such as Father Oliver O’Brien and Eamonn Brehony have been sharing the word. We grieve the loss of our friends and relatives and pray for solace and comfort for their families. We are grateful that our church was available for pandemic medical services and that it was not needed as long as expected.
ACC is following social-distancing guidelines (with the exception of family units), the wearing of masks, the washing of hands, and no Sunday School at least for the time being. A big thanks to the Worship Committee who worked tirelessly throughout the seven months and kept our services broadcasting through ZOOM and email.
Members as far away as America and Ireland are listening and appreciating the continual connection.
Bless us all as we gradually return and continue to do your good works. Karibuni wote…..
– Elizabeth Hudgin
Council member
We are continuing our in-person worship services at 10:30 am every Sunday.
However, we have a limited number of chairs available in the sanctuary to follow appropriate social distance guidelines. We
encourage anyone with risk factors to stay at home and participate in worship by Zoom.
To prepare yourself: Download Zoom on a computer or mobile device by going to zoom.us Click on these links to watch a tutorial on how to download the Zoom App and how to join a meeting from a computer or a phone.
Joining on mobile phone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8JaUEORjSo
Joining on computer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMUxzrgZvZQ
Volunteers needed!
USHERS NEEDED! If you are a sensible, calm, friendly woman or man, you would make an excellent usher.
Yes, women can be ushers too! If you would like to volunteer as an usher once or twice a month, please contact the
church office arushacommunitychurch.office@gmail.com
ZOOM Hosts Needed: Are you familiar with hosting Zoom meetings? We are still looking for a few more Zoom
hosts, to be sure that members can connect and join us for worship from their homes. Please contact the church office if
you are able to serve once a month.
News & Events
November 29 — First Sunday of Advent
December 23 — Carols by Candelight Outdoors
If you wish to be baptized, or if you wish to have your child be baptized, you need to follow these steps:
1. Fill out a baptism request form at least 6 weeks in advance. (Form available from the church office)
2. Adult candidates or parents meet with a pastor for spiritual preparation. If you don’t have a pastor in mind, the council chair will match you with an appropriate minister.
3. The pastor / lay minister recommends the adult/child for baptism to ACC Church Council.
4. If the Church council approves, the worship committee receives the baptism request to schedule it.
New to ACC?
Want to be introduced to other ACC congregational members? Not sure of our programs and activities? Want to be involved in some way, but not sure how? Want to receive Glad Tidings by email? Have a general question about Arusha that an old-timer may have the answer to? Every Sunday, a member of council is available after the service to assist and to answer your questions.
Our ACC website www.acc.or.tz also provides information as does our ACC pamphlet available at the church door. (Note the new website address: www.acc.or.tz)
ACC Harvest Festival 2020
ACC gave thanks to God for all His Bounty with our annual Harvest
The Worship committee did a wonderful job of organizing everything well in advance, and we were able to hold our auction both in person and with zoom, allowing those at home to also bid for items.
The congregational response was joyful and enthusiastic and together as a faith family, we raised approximately 9.9 million shillings in pledges. In many ways, it can be considered that these funds have already been spent. While our buildings were being used by our neighbor hospital and offerings were low, we continued to support those most in need, going on faith and trust in God that the funds would be found in some way.
Thank you to everyone who helped with this thanksgiving event; thank you to those who brought your gifts; thank you to those who bought those gifts and supported ACC with donations; and thank you for the prayers said for ACC.
November 2020 Service Schedule
November 1 | November 8 | November 15 | November 22 | November 29 | |
Church Calendar | Twenty second Sunday after Pentecost | Twenty Third Sunday after Pentecost | Twenty fourth Sunday after Pentecost | Twenty fifth Sunday after Pentecost | First Sunday of Advent |
Service Type | Communion service | Morning Service | Communion Service | Morning Service | Family Service |
Service Leader | Elizabeth Mbelle | Moira Brehony | Philip Mvungi | Vance Bicknell Miller | John Kraft |
Preacher | Michael Pallanore | Rev. Dr. Justo Lemburis | Eric Mbelle | Daudi Mseemmaa | Pat Patton |
Musician(s) | Rebecca Mosley | Phillip Mvungi | Daniel Kalule |
Maryng’ida Severre
Stubbs Randy |
Duty Elder | Philip Mvungi | Doreen Marandu | Michael Murray | Elizabeth Hudgin | Eliel Gideon |
Flowers | Nancy Maksud | Irene Joel | Nancy Maksud | Irene Joel | Yoka Bruisma |
Scripture Readings |
Amos 5:18-24 |
Thank you to the many who continue to give your tithes and offerings to ACC. Please know that these offerings are needed, appreciated and are used to help many within the community.
ACC Bank Details:
For anyone who wishes or needs to transfer funds via bank deposit to ACC please find the following details here:
TSH: ACCOUNT NUMBER 00 300 23 252
USD: ACCOUNT NUMBER 578 067 0116
For anyone who wishes or needs to transfer funds via mobile money to ACC please find the following details here:
M-PESA DEPOSIT NUMBER: +255755992394
NAME: NASIEKU MOLLEL (Church Administrator)