Letter from the Church Council
“And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the forces of Hades will not overpower it.” – Matthew 16:18
In February this year, Arusha Community Church held its 36th Annual General Meeting (AGM). In spite of the challenges of the last couple of years, this year’s AGM was a relatively sedate affair, with little controversy and a fairly quick run-through. A model AGM in fact. Committees gave their reports, new Council members were elected, and members were able to ask questions about all aspects of the church. The financial reporting was rock solid (if a little underwhelming in terms of actual numbers) and everyone left happy, at least from the church perspective.
In earlier days, however, the church made some pretty hefty decisions at some of its AGMs. Decisions which required serious commitment of time, money and prayer. Take the 1994 AGM, where the idea of erecting a new multi-purpose worship facility (the current church buildings) was first approved. And in 1995 the AGM approved discussions to be held with the Lutheran diocese about constructing the facility on the land where the church now sits. The hard work began after the AGM, with fund raising being right at the core of the issue; the Christian responsibility which our then Chair Dr Mark Jacobson, alongside 1994 Council Members Robin Peterson and Steve Simonson and AGM attendees Dave, Trude, Mike, Lisa and Thad Peterson, Marilyn Simonson, Erwin Kinsey, Linda Jacobson, John Kraft and Sjouke Bruinsma took onto their shoulders was truly huge! For as is made clear in Matthew 16:18, the church is more than a building. The church is built on solid people. Believers who can stand firm against the perils of the world.
The most recent council meeting, held on 16th February, was ACC Council Meeting number 403, with us having reached the 400 mark back in November 2021. This is a significant milestone for a church community which has been run almost entirely by volunteers since its inception and, more significantly, for a community whose population has been so transient. And while the future is certainly bright, we must acknowledge two key challenges which lie ahead this year – safely exiting the Covid-19 pandemic, and generating enough income to allow our Projects and Benevolence (PBC) and Evangelism & Outreach (E&O) committees to continue helping “the poorest of the poor” and bringing “Christian praise and witness to God through worship, service and study”.
Whilst those of us who have followed on from ACC’s early pioneers are continuing to reap the rewards of their hard work, this current need to generate income means there are some similarities in terms of the challenges we now face. And this is where I reach out to the ACC congregation, both current and former, near and far. Yes, we need to dig deeper into our pockets, but we also need ideas. Ideas for church fundraising activities.
Ideas for creative ways to save money and make money. Council took a leap of faith this year in pledging to support external giving whatever the income, but we do need to be proactive in making this happen. It will not happen by magic. God expects us to work at this, not just to declare that it is in his hands and then sit back and wait. Please do present your ideas to the duty elder (or any Council member) on a Sunday if you have any.
I am honoured to have taken on the role of Chair of ACC Council for 2022, alongside Susan Simonson Treasurer), Neil Rowe Miller (Secretary), Irene Joel, Dr Eric Mbelle, Wilson Mziray, Sion Miraa, Moira Brehony and Erwin Kinsey. Please pray for us as we continue to grapple with the modern challenges of running ACC, and especially as we elect a Vice-chair at our meeting in March. And please allow me to extend my sincere thanks to Susan Simonson for all her incredible hard work during her two diligent years as Chair.
Today, all of us pay tribute to the determination, dedication, foresight and sound financial management of those who came before us. What they took upon their shoulders and executed in giving glory to God via the establishment of the current ACC sanctuary should never be forgotten. These rocks of the church worked under God’s guidance, but they worked with incredible earthly fortitude too. Let the 2022 Council learn from their example. And let us all recommit ACC into God’s hands as we forge forward into 2022 and beyond.
Michael Murray – ACC Council Chair
Mission Statement
Arusha Community Church seeks to bring Christian praise and witness to God through worship, service and study. The congregation provides opportunity for Christian fellowship, service and witness, community outreach, personal growth and family growth. Recognizing the close link between worship and culture, Arusha Community Church has an inter-denominational ministry to the international community in Arusha.
ACC Council 2022
ACC Library Coordinator Needed!
The Church is looking for a committed person who loves to serve God and love to read to Volunteer as a Library Coordinator .
If you are interested or need more information, please give your name and contact information to Vivi in the church office (in person or by email)
Sunday School is back, but we need volunteer teachers and assistants
After shutting down almost two years ago, Sunday School is back at ACC. The first class for 6-to-11-year olds was January 16, 2022. After starting with about 25 students per week, the Feb 20th class saw 35 students. When SCIS returns from break we could easily have over 40 students! In an ideal world we would split this class into two and also allow the 3,4- and 5- year olds to join a class as well. The bottom line to what is holding us back? We need
more committed SS teachers and teacher assistants. With the right number of teachers, teaching is not a weekly commitment. It can be a once or twice a month. If you are hesitant because you don’t think you know “how” to teach, we will help you learn.
Mini-obituary following the passing of Dr Mark Jacobson
ACC Prayer Chain
If you have a prayer request and would like members of our community to support you in prayer, contact the four key persons – if possible by SMS- and they will inform the others from the prayer chain.
Erwin Kinsey 0754 480 184
Margaret Kenyi 0754 090 078
Susan Simonson 0754 266 559
Stella Karumuna 0754 281 337
Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous
AA meets at ACC:
Monday 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Tuesday 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Thursday 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Friday 5:00pm – 6.00pm
Saturday 10:00am – 11:00am
NA meets at ACC:
Tuesday 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Saturday 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
We love visitors at ACC!
Your OFFERINGS are important, needed and appreciated. It is easier for accounting purposes, and without charges, if offerings are deposited directly into our Exim Bank Account (please see details below). While the MPESA number remains available for receiving offerings, please consider making a deposit directly into our bank.
For anyone who wishes or needs to transfer funds via bank deposit to ACC please find the following details here:
TSH: ACCOUNT NUMBER 00 300 23 252
USD: ACCOUNT NUMBER 00 300 35 020
For anyone who wishes or needs to transfer funds via mobile money to ACC please find the following details here:
M-PESA DEPOSIT NUMBER: +255 755 992 394
NAME: NASIEKU MOLLEL (Church Administrator)
ACC Finances through January 2022
March 2022 Service Schedule
March 2, 2022 |
March 6, 2022 |
March 13, 2022 |
March 20, 2022 |
March 27, 2022 |
Church Calendar |
Ash Wednesday |
1st Sunday in Lent |
2nd Sunday in Lent |
3rd Sunday in Lent |
4th Sunday in Lent |
Service Type |
Special |
Communion |
Morning Service |
Communion |
Family Service |
Service Leader |
Michael Murray |
Penina Oredsson |
Susan Simonson |
Moira Brehony |
Daudi Msseemmaa |
Preacher |
Eamonn Brehony |
Eamonn Brehony |
Pastor Herman Kweka |
Pastor Israel Meitamei |
Mary Ng’ida Severe |
Musician(s) |
Mary Ng’ida Severe |
Mary Ng’ida Severe |
Erwin Kinsey |
Sion Miraa |
Randy Stubbs |
Duty Elder |
Moira Brehony |
Michael Murray |
Wilson Mziray |
Sion Miraa |
Neil Miller |
Zoom Host Projector |
Sion Miraa |
Sion Miraa |
Jessica Shayo |
Sion Miraa |
Sound |
Andrea Thomas |
Tumsifu Mushi |
Andrea Thomas |
Goodluck Kaaya |
Tumsifu Mushi & Andrea Thomas |
Ushers |
Innocent Masawe Jacqueline Njau |
Jacqueline Njau Jacqueline Njama |
Innocent Masawe Jacqueline Njau |
Jacqueline Njau Jacqueline Njama |
Flowers |
Irene Mchomvu |
Nancy Maksud |
Doreen Marandu |
Christy Miller |
Jane Mashingia |
Scripture Readings |
Joel 2:1-2, 12-17 or Isaiah 58:1-12 Psalm 51:1-17 2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10 Matthew 6:1-6, 16- 21 |
Deuteronomy 26:1- 11 Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16 Romans 10:8b-13 Luke 4:1-13 |
Genesis 15:1-12, 17- 18 Psalm 27 Philippians 3:17-4:1 Luke 13:31-35 |
Isaiah 55:1-9 Psalm 63:1-8 1 Corinthians 10:1- 13 Luke 13:1-9 |
Joshua 5:9-12 Psalm 32 2 Corinthians 5:16- 21 Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 |