Letter from the Church Council
1 Peter 4:10
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
ACC describes itself as an international, interdenominational, lay-led church; which is relatively rare in a church. Many churches are international, or interdenominational or lay-led, or have two of those attributes; but few are all three. I goggled that description, and the only ‘hit’ with all three was …. ACC!
I often think that our attributes (international, interdenominational, lay-led) gives us both our greatest strengths and our greatest weaknesses. Being ‘international’ can bring cross-cultural and multi-lingual assumptions and misconceptions which are inaccurate; how is what we say, heard from another cultural perspective or translated from another language? Lots of room for misunderstandings to happen! And yet, our international flavor is something everyone enjoys so much; and which adds to the richness of us as a community, giving so many opportunities to learn from others. Being ‘interdenominational’ can bring the obvious pitfalls of theological differences, and backgrounds. Yet, it is this which also allows us to learn and grow in Christian faith, creating tolerance for differences, and showing that each one of us is loved by God no matter what faith background we may or may not have had.
Our ‘lay-led’ attribute creates opportunities for service to God and the community; we each have a role to play. Yet, on a practical level, being lay-led can create the most issues and difficulties. What would happen if everyone only attended Sunday services; to only walk in the door and walk out again? We literally would not have a church; ACC would not exist.
We know that not everyone can, is able to, or wants to join a committee, or be a part of a program. That is understood and totally all right. But we can encourage each other to do everything we can do in whatever way possible. The small, seemingly insignificant things can make a huge difference. I recall a judge from the ICTR, a very busy judge, who worshipped with us every Sunday for years. He did not have the opportunity to actively participate in any committee or program. But one time, we needed many cakes for a celebration at ACC; and so he baked and brought one. It was touching to receive that cake. It showed that while he was periphery to most of the activities of ACC apart from worship and prayer, he was central to ACC in that he did what he could, when he had the chance to. He could offer that one act – and he did!
Perhaps that is all each one of us can do. Offer one act of service at a time, whenever we can. For some, that may be 10 hours a week; others 10 hours a month; and others, 10 hours a year; even one hour in 10 years. Each act is needed, appreciated, and is an act of service to God.
And for those who cannot make a commitment on a regular basis, service to God and others is part of our worship together and our communal and individual prayer time. We can each serve in these and in other ways; welcoming new-comers, and getting to know other members of the congregation. Each act of service is a blessing.
So as we prepare for our AGM, looking for new and continuing membership on committees, looking for those to offer their time in the various programs, particularly with Worship and Christian Education committees, perhaps we can each ask ourselves, what act of service can I do this week or this month or year? Can I commit to helping out with Sunday School every month or every two months? Can I give 20 minutes of time after a service to assist in the library? Can I welcome people to the church as an usher a few times a month? The key word in all these activities is ‘commitment’. It does take more than saying “yes, I can”; as people are relying on you to fulfill that commitment.
And for those who cannot make a commitment on a regular basis, service to God and others is part of our worship together and our communal and individual prayer time. We can each serve in these and in other ways; welcoming new-comers, and getting to know other members of the congregation. Each act of service is a blessing.
– Susan Simonson on behalf of the ACC Council
Mission Statement
Arusha Community Church seeks to bring Christian praise and witness to God through worship, service and study. The congregation provides opportunity for Christian fellowship, service and witness, community outreach, personal growth and family growth. Recognizing the close link between worship and culture, Arusha Community Church has an inter-denominational ministry to the international community in Arusha.
Duty Elder
At churches with pastors, it is easy to know where to go with a question or comment. Just see the pastor! At ACC, it may not be as easy, and people may be unsure where to go or who to ask.
Therefore, many years ago, the leadership of ACC set up a system whereby each Sunday, one member of the ACC Council of Elders (the committee which serves the congregation in overall leadership) is “on duty” to ensure the smooth running of the worship service. He or she comes early to assist with preparing for the service; is there during the service for any problem or emergency; and also is ‘out in the courtyard under the palm tree’ after the service to answer any questions or receive any comments. The Duty Elder may not have the answer to every question, but can point you in the right direction. The Duty Elder can also help you know how you might be more actively involved in the activities of the church by providing a Time and Ability form to fill out.
Please do go and talk with the Duty Elder; this is a great way for the leadership of the church to know your thoughts on what is happening at the church; and for you to have your questions about the church answered.
Our Services
We are continuing our in-person worship services at 10:30 am every Sunday. However, we have a limited number of chairs available in the sanctuary to follow appropriate social distance guidelines. We encourage anyone with risk factors to stay at home and participate in worship by Zoom.
To prepare yourself: Download Zoom on a computer or mobile device by going to zoom.us Click on these links to watch a tutorial on how to download the Zoom App and how to join a meeting from a computer or a phone.
Joining on mobile
phone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8JaUEORjSo
Joining on
computer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMUxzrgZv ZQ
ACC Prayer Chain
If you have a prayer request and would like members of our community to support you in prayer, contact the four key persons – if possible by SMS- and they will inform the others from the prayer chain.
Erwin Kinsey 0754 480 184
Margaret Kenyi 0754 090 078
Susan Simonson 0754 266 559
Stella Karumuna 0754 281 337
Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous
AA meets at ACC:
Monday 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Tuesday 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Thursday 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
NA meets at ACC:
Tuesday 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Saturday 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
February 2022 Service Schedule
February 6, 2022 |
February 13, 2022 |
February 20, 2022 |
February 27, 2022 |
Church Calendar |
5th Sunday after Epiphany |
6th Sunday after Epiphany |
7th Sunday after Epiphany |
Transfiguration Sunday |
Service Type |
Communion |
Morning |
Communion |
Family |
Service Leader |
Eli Macha |
Michael Murray |
Eric Mbelle |
John Kraft |
Preacher |
Michael Murray |
Fr. Oliver O Brien |
Philip Bach- Svendsen |
Derrick Matthews |
Musician(s) |
Erwin Kinsey |
Neil Miller |
JD Parks |
Dr. Emelister Swai |
Duty Elder |
Susan Simonson |
Irene Mchomvu |
Moira Brehony |
Michael Murray |
Zoom Host |
Sion Miraa |
Sion Miraa |
Sound Projector |
Tumsifu Mushi |
Andrea Thomas |
Goodluck Kaaya |
Avogadro Gerson |
Ushers |
Jacqueline Njau Innocent Massawe |
Jacqueline Njau Innocent Massawe |
Jacqueline Njau Innocent Massawe |
Jacqueline Njau Innocent Massawe |
Flowers |
Nancy Maksud |
Rebecca Ndorossy |
Christy Miller |
Jane Mashingia |
Scripture Readings
Isaiah 6:1-8, (9-13) Psalm 138 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Luke 5:1-11 |
Jeremiah 17:5-10 Psalm 1 1 Corinthians 15:12-20 Luke 6:17-26 |
Genesis 45:3-11, 15 Psalm 37:1-11, 39- 40 1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50 Luke 6:27-38 |
Exodus 34:29-35 Psalm 99 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2 Luke 9:28-36, (37-43a) |
Your OFFERINGS are important, needed and appreciated. It is easier for accounting purposes, and without charges, if offerings are deposited directly into our Exim Bank Account (please see details below). While the MPESA number remains available for receiving offerings, please consider making a deposit directly into our bank.
For anyone who wishes or needs to transfer funds via bank deposit to ACC please find the following details here:
TSH: ACCOUNT NUMBER 00 300 23 252
USD: ACCOUNT NUMBER 00 300 35 020
For anyone who wishes or needs to transfer funds via mobile money to ACC please find the following details here:
M-PESA DEPOSIT NUMBER: +255 755 992 394
NAME: NASIEKU MOLLEL (Church Administrator)