Arusha Community Church is an international, interdenominational, lay-led congregation. We are united through faith in Christ and worship in the English language.
Please note that both Creche and Sunday School have now resumed. These take place during the services on Sundays. Parents are kindly asked to sign their children in for creche at drop-off and pick-up times. Sunday School students will start in the main service each week and then move out to Sunday School early in the service.
Confirmation Class also takes place weekly at 9.15am before the service. Please contact the email address below if you require further info or wish to register.
If you are willing and able to serve ACC as a volunteer in any capacity, please do see the duty elder after church on any Sunday or contact arushacommunitychurch.office@gmail.com .
We continue to work, pray and give thanks together as one community, sharing the love of Christ to all.
Sion Miraa
ACC Council Chair
Upcoming Services
April 6th
Communion Service
@ 10.30am
April 13th
Palm Sunday Service
@ 10.30am
April 17th
Maundy Thursday Service
@ 6pm
April 18th
Good Friday Service
@ 6pm
April 20th
Easter Sunday Service
@ 10.30am
April 27th
Family Service
@ 10.30am
We come from a variety of Christian traditions and celebrate this diversity each week. We welcome you wherever you are in your journey of faith—
You are welcome to worship with us!

New to ACC?
Want to be introduced to other ACC congregational members? Not sure of our programs and activities? Want to be involved in some way, but not sure how? Want to receive Glad Tidings by email? Have a general question about Arusha that an old-timer may have the answer to? Every Sunday, a member of the council is available after the service to assist and to answer your questions. OR please contact ACC via our church phone. +255 068 5345429 and/or email: arushacommunitychurch.office@gmail.com and you will be responded to as quickly as possible. Our ACC website www.acc.or.tz also provides information as does our bulletin board at the church door.
Check out our Facebook presence at https://www.facebook.com/ArushaCommunityChurch/
The ACC choir is not currently meeting. Rehearsals are normally held on Wednesdays, 5 – 6:20 pm.
If you have a prayer request and would like members of our community to support you in prayer, contact the four key persons – if possible by SMS- and they will inform the others from the prayer chain.
Erwin Kinsey 0754 480 184
Margaret Kenyi 0754 090 078
Susan Simonson 0754 266 559
Stella Karumuna 0754 281 337
The ACC library team is looking for committed people who are willing to join them.
If anyone has an interest and love for books and is willing to serve in this way, please contact Vivi, our church administrator, at arushacommunitychurch.office@gmail.com
Arusha Community Church (ACC) functions because many people offer their time and gifts in volunteer roles. At ACC we encourage people to get involved and contribute in some way. If you want to know more about the church committees work, visit our new bulletin board. Or see the Duty Elder after the service for a copy of the Time and Ability Form (TAA) if you are interested in helping out at ACC. We welcome your participation!
Don’t Miss
Our News And Events
Find out more about through our newsletter and events happening at ACC.
April 2025 | Vol 456
Letter from the Church Council I write to you today with a heart full of gratitude for the fellowship and the faith we share within our church. Two years ago, when my daughter Gillian Ashley and I relocated to Arusha, we were looking for an English Christian...
March 2025 | Vol 455
Letter from the Church Council Attending Arusha Community Church every Sunday can easily become a habit—just something we do because we are used to it. As I write this on a Sunday night, I reflect on a Sunday that was anything but routine. My parents were visiting,...
February 2025 | Vol 454
Letter from the Church Council Dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Grace and Peace in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! As we step into the year of our Lord 2025, we are filled with gratitude and hope, reminded of the mission that Christ Himself entrusted...
10:30am – 12:00pm
Sunday during the service
Sunday 9:15 am – 10:15 am
Sunday 9:30 am – 10:30 am
Let us know if you have any questions!
You can join our mailing list by filling in your email address and details in our contact form and get ACC related news and service schedules straight in your inbox once a month.
Church Administrator
Church Email